Directory Sync

Sync your platform directories to make every user discoverable

Mirror your organization’s entire workforce across Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 without incurring additional costs.
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Side by side comparison of someone searching for a user in Google Workspace and that same list of people showing up in Microsoft Entra

The only bidirectional directory sync for Google and Microsoft

Mio sets up and maintains an always-updated user directory to represent your workforce across both Google Workspace and Microsoft, making them discoverable by colleagues for cross-platform communication.

Unblock platform silos and inefficient workflows

Search results showing both Google and Microsoft users, next to a smiling person
Use Directory Sync to open your entire organization across email, calendar invitations, file sharing, and chat by making users discoverable on both Google Workspace and Microsoft.

Keep administration overheads to a minimum

Mio’s Directory Sync subscribes to Microsoft Entra ID security groups, automating the management of users as they join or leave your organization.

Connect your organization's chat ecosystem from the Mio Hub

The Mio Hub is the control center where IT managers and admins can integrate Mio into their platform ecosystem.

Leading the way in collaboration interoperability

Get expert help and advice about all things chat and collaboration.

Unify your teams with Mio

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